このページは Parsley.jl のランディングページである.Parsley.jl は PkgPage.jl の使い方を学ぶために作成されました. そのため Julia の機能を提供することを目的としているわけではありません.
Parsley は日本語ではパセリという名前です. 美味しいカツサンドに付属している緑色のオブジェクトです. 私は金欠のためみなさまからの美味しい料理が掲載されたパセリの写真に関する貢献(Issue に適切なコンテンツ・サイズの画像を投稿するなど)をお待ちしております.
using Dates
println("更新日 $(today())")
更新日 2023-02-19
PkgPage が生成するウェブサイトは Bootstrap 4.5 を採用しています. 見栄えが良いページを得るために行う CSS, HTML の微調整の手間を最小限に抑えることができます. PkgPage.jl によって下記の事項が簡単にできるようになります:
使用されてない bootstrap の CSS のルールを削除すること,
Franklin.jl が提供するいくつかの便利機能:
KaTeX と highlight.js のサポート. それらの描画を自動で行うこと,
読者はすでにプログラミング言語 Julia を導入したと仮定します. PkgPage.jl を使うには Julia バージョンは 1.3 以上を要請します. とはいえ 2023 年 2 月現在では Julia の 1.6 が LTS, Julia は 1.8 が安定版です. 普段使いは 1.8 またはそれ以上のバージョンを使うと良いでしょう.
Parsley.jl の構築を真似したい場合は Parsley.jl パッケージ直下に移動します. 直下というのは ls
コマンドを実行した際に README.md が見えているディレクトリに移動しているという意味です.
$ cd Parsley.jl
$ ls
Dockerfile docker-compose.yml
Makefile page
Manifest.toml src
Project.toml test
コマンドで Julia の REPL を起動しましょう:
$ julia
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.8.5 (2023-01-08)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
|__/ |
PkgPage.jl のインストールは次のようにする(この作業は初回にすれば良い):
julia> using Pkg; Pkg.activate(); Pkg.add("PkgPage")
一度インストールしたら using PkgPage; serve()
julia> using PkgPage; serve()
Activating project at `~/work/Parsley.jl/page`
→ Initial full pass...
→ evaluating code [ex] in (index.md) → Starting the server...
[ Info: Listening on:, thread id: 1
✓ LiveServer listening on http://localhost:8000/ ...
(use CTRL+C to shut down)
http://localhost:8000/ に行くと結果を確認することができる.
関数は page/index.md
を解析し HTML に変換した結果を提供する. tree
コマンドがあれば page
tree page -d -L 2
├── __site
│ ├── assets
│ ├── css
│ └── libs
├── _assets
├── _css
├── _layout
└── _libs
├── highlight
└── katex
11 directories
この page
ディレクトリは人間が作らなくて良い. 実際 Parsley.jl のランディングページを作る際 PkgPage.jl が提供する newpage
julia> using PkgPage; newpage()
上記のようにThe newpage
call will
generate a page/
folder in your current directory which contains all the material to generate your site,
modify page/config.md
to change the description, layout, colors etc.,
modify page/index.md
to change the content.
place a .github/workflows/DeployPage.yml
to enable the github action that will help deploy your page.
The serve
call will render your page and make it available for live-preview in your browser when you make modifications to either config.md
or index.md
but don't forget to modify this in the DeployPage.yml
as well (in 2 spots).
Sections: you can indicate a section as follows:
where the available options are:
to add a heading to the section, this should be provided,
to add a specific name that will appear in the navbar (if not given, it will use the given title).
an integer number controlling the width of the section with respect to the body, increase it to get a wider section.
Figures: you can indicate a figure as follows:
\figure{path="...", opts...}
where path
is a valid path to the image (e.g. /assets/image.png
) and the other available options are:
to specify the width of the image (e.g. 100%
to specify the image alt
to specify the figure caption if any,
to add any specific CSS styling to the image (e.g. border-radius:5px
Tables: you can insert a table as follows:
| Column One | Column Two | Column Three |
|----------: | ---------- |:------------:|
| Row `1` | Column `2` | |
| *Row* 2 | **Row** 2 | Column ``3`` |
where the available options are:
: to add a caption to the table,
: to add specific bootstrap classes to the table (e.g. table-striped
: for any further styling.
Column One | Column Two | Column Three |
Row 1 | Column 2 | |
Row 2 | Row 2 | Column 3 |
Columns: you can declare an environment with columns with:
For instance you can use this to produce:
Here is some more content for that first column.
Here is some more content for that second column.
Just use $$ ... $$
for display math and $ ... $
for inline maths:
where is the -th Legendre polynomial and is it's -th root.
you can use \\
to add some vertical space (skip a line)
you can use \begin{center}...\end{center}
to center some content
you can use \style{css}{content}
to get css-styled text for instance \style{color:red;text-transform:uppercase;}{hello}
gives hello
you can use \alert{...}
to draw attention to some text via a coloured box.
You can also define your own commands which can be as complex as you might want, see the Franklin docs for more information.
Setting up the environment: the first step is to ensure that the folder with your source has the proper environment including your package. To do so, in the Julia REPL, navigate to the source (e.g. cd("page/")
), activate the environment (e.g. using Pkg; Pkg.activate()
) and add the package(s) that you need (e.g. Pkg.add("DataFrames")
). If you check the status or the Project.toml, you will see that Franklin
is already in there on top of whatever packages you might have chosen to add. In our current case:
(page) pkg> st
Status `~/work/Parsley.jl/page/Project.toml`
[a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.5.0
[713c75ef] Franklin v0.10.79
[2bd173c7] NodeJS v1.3.0
[e7214860] PkgPage v0.4.3
[ade2ca70] Dates
Also add the package in the DeployPage.yml
e.g. in our case there is:
You can control the indentation and appearance of the output block in the config.md
By following these instructions, the content of the rendered website will be copied to a gh-pages
branch where it will be deployed by GitHub. If you would like to deploy the page with your own URL or using something else than GitHub, have a look at the specific instructions further on.
Adjust DeployPage: start by checking the .github/workflows/DeployPage.yml
in particular:
if you want to use Python or matplotlib, uncomment the relevant lines
in the run
block ensure that
and PkgPage
are added,
any packages that your page might rely on are added,
the optimize
call has the appropriate input
and output
path (if you're in the default setting, leave as is).
GitIgnore: it's important you specify that page/__site
should be ignored by git and not pushed to your repository otherwise the build process might not work properly. To do so create a file .gitignore
containing the line
as shown here.
GitAttributes: in order for GitHub to ignore page
folder it the language statistics for your repository, make sure to add a file .gitattributes
with content
page/* linguist-vendored
like this.
Now whenever you push changes to the master
branch of your package, the build process will be triggered and your page updated and deployed. That's it.
Avoiding clashes with Documenter.jl: if you already use Documenter.jl you might want your page to be deployed in a specific folder of gh-pages
as Documenter also generates files in gh-pages
you can do so in two steps:
change the run
part of DeployPage.yml
by specifying the output
keyword argument in PkgPage.optimize
for instance: PkgPage.optimize(input="page", output="page")
change the prepath
in config.md
to reflect that the base URL will contain that additional folder, for instance @def prepath = "YourPackage.jl/page"
Use your own URL: you can usually get host services like Netlify to deploy a specific branch of a GitHub repo, do make sure to set @def prepath = ""
in your config.md
If you want to do the deployment without GitHub actions then you will need to:
ensure you have purgecss
and highlights
installed and available to NodeJS
, the simplest way to do this is to install them via NodeJS
using NodeJS;
run(`$(npm_cmd()) install highlight.js`);
run(`$(npm_cmd()) install purgecss`);
run PkgPage.optimize(input="page", output="")
(adapting input
as required)
place the content of page/__site
wherever your server requires it.