

using Plots

@userplot CirclePlot
@recipe function f(cp::CirclePlot)
    x, y, i = cp.args
    n = length(x)
    inds = circshift(1:n, 1 - i)
    linewidth --> range(0, 10, length = n)
    seriesalpha --> range(0, 1, length = n)
    aspect_ratio --> 1
    label --> false
    x[inds], y[inds]

n = 400
t = range(0, 2π, length = n)
x = 16sin.(t).^3
y = 13cos.(t) .- 5cos.(2t) .- 2cos.(3t) .- cos.(4t)
anim = @animate for i ∈ 1:n
    circleplot(x, y, i, line_z = 1:n, cbar = false, c = :reds, framestyle = :none)
end when i > 40 && mod1(i, 10) == 5
using Plots
# define the Lorenz attractor
Base.@kwdef mutable struct Lorenz
    dt::Float64 = 0.02
    σ::Float64 = 10
    ρ::Float64 = 28
    β::Float64 = 8/3
    x::Float64 = 1
    y::Float64 = 1
    z::Float64 = 1

function step!(l::Lorenz)
    dx = l.σ * (l.y - l.x);         l.x += l.dt * dx
    dy = l.x * (l.ρ - l.z) - l.y;   l.y += l.dt * dy
    dz = l.x * l.y - l.β * l.z;     l.z += l.dt * dz

attractor = Lorenz()

# initialize a 3D plot with 1 empty series
plt = plot3d(
    xlim = (-30, 30),
    ylim = (-30, 30),
    zlim = (0, 60),
    title = "Lorenz Attractor",
    marker = 2,

# build an animated gif by pushing new points to the plot, saving every 10th frame
anim = @animate for i=1:1500
    push!(plt, attractor.x, attractor.y, attractor.z)
end every 10